The number of U.S airport therapy dogs in 2018 considerably grew, and we are rather thrilled about it.
We found seven new airport therapy dog programs that launched in 2018. For instance, Jacksonville International Airport started its JaxPaws program. Long Beach Airport has a new dog Bella, to make your layover less ruff. Miami International Airport has a team of dogs named the Miami Hound Machine.
Clinton National Airport launched its BowWow Buddies team, and Louis Armstrong International Airport now offers some pet wellness too. Also, Bradley International Airport has a crew named the “Bradley Buddies” you can pet next time you pass through.
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Things to know about airport therapy dogs in the USA 2018
1. Some dogs have their own dedicated social media pages. For example, Wag Brigade, a team of SF SPCA AAT, certified therapy animals at SFO Airport have their own Instagram page. The Paws 4 Passengers Teams from Reno-Tahoe International Airport have their own Facebook page.
2. Many dogs have trading cards, to collect and keep. The Paws 4 Passengers dogs at Reno-Tahoe International Airport all have trading cards. So be sure to start collecting all of them!
3. Some airport therapy dogs roam daily, others once a week, while others visit once a month.
4. Airport therapy dog teams have their hashtags. For instance, Ontario International Airport uses #ontpawsquad; LAX airport, #LAXpups; Jacksonville International Airport, #JaxPaws; Pittsburgh Airport, #pitpaws; SFO Airport, #sfowagbrigade and Miami Airport dogs, #miamihoundmachine.
5. Airport Therapy Dogs wear vests or bibs that say “Pet me,” so you can identify them as therapy dogs.
6. The dogs undergo screening to be “hired” as an airport therapy dog. Qualities the dogs usually have are a stable temperament, impeccable manners and proficient in basic obedience.
We are excited to see a rise in U.S airport therapy dogs in 2018. If you encounter some pet wellness, make sure to tag #airporttherapydogs and share the positive vibes.
Want to see the cutest airport therapy dogs daily? Follow the dogs on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.