Our now wellness tips for travel have landed! Ultimately, they’re here to inspire your journey of self-care wherever you travel. Wellness is our obsession. And it’s more than okay if you feel the same way! After all, we want to feel healthy, active and vibrant—even on hectic travel days.
Staying healthy and sane during travel has challenges. However, we know that wellness is possible at airports. Furthermore, we have been providing travellers with where to find airport spas, wellness guides, healthy eating options and much more.
Additionally, we believe that wellness isn’t just a matter of doing (gulping down that green juice after hot yoga) but also of feeling.
Our now wellness tips are about how to jump-start your path to ZEN when you start getting off track. We can all quickly get derailed with negative thoughts—especially when travelling! Judgments, massive lineups at security or someone bumping into us can all be significant stressors at the airport.
Here are some wellness tips we gathered at the Well Summitt in New York City.
Now wellness tips to follow during travel

1. Say Yes to You
No more looking on the outside for answers. Breathe and take a trip inside you. Embrace the you that is right now. No matter how long that security line looks, or your nasty un-manicured nails, remember that “you got you, babe.”
During the Well Summit inspirational force, Agapi Stassinopoulos, author of Wake Up To The Joy Of You, round up everyone to dance and sing. Besides the fun of dancing, I took away the words she shouted out: “Heal yourself!”
Say yes to you by “cultivating the building blocks of self-care: meditation, health, making time for yourself,” says Agapi Stassinopoulos. I would add laugh and then laugh again, too!

2. Surrender and Let Go
Take stock of —the highs and lows, and everything in your life. Thinking of the past usually comes with judgment.
Mindfulness expert Gabrielle Bernstein—who’s a New York Times bestselling author—has a new book out, Judgment Detox. I haven’t read it yet, but the title says just let go of self-judgment.

3. Embrace your tribe
At the Wellness Summit, they had this beautiful plant installation with the words, “Your vibe attracts your tribe.” Make sense. But, how can this happen if you have a closed heart?
Your tribe needs you just as much as you need them. Reach out to those who know you and have your back. Work in the garden where you call community. Call out to your tribe. Don’t worry; you’re not alone.

4. Open your heart
You’re always present, you can hear it in your breathing. You don’t need to wait until you have the time. You don’t have to wait until a particular moment. Also, you don’t have to wait one second to acknowledge you are here!
I also had the opportunity to meet and listen to Sara DiVello speak—who wrote a best-selling book, “Where in the OM Am I?.” The message is, open your heart to your journey even though uncertain; it’s yours right now.

5. Go With the Flow
Airports are changing at every moment. Gate changes, flight delays, lost luggage! We are also in a state of constant change. Our emotions, at times, may seem like the ocean. I am a PADI Divemaster and have had many encounters with waves big and small. Our feelings are like the ocean, its flow of water that can peak hard or low, and then it just passes by.
Connect with that emotion and ride with it. It will eventually pass.
Latham Thomas, aka Glow Maven, believes “it’s a conscious choice to become ready for what awaits you.”
“Own your glow, and your GPS will light your path along the way,” says Latham Thomas, aka Glow Maven!

6. Keeping Shining Bright
You cannot be replaced. There’s nothing more to say!
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UPDATED June 24, 2019