Who doesn’t know somebody with a horror story about delayed, or worse, lost luggage?
According to the International Air Transport Association, “mishandled luggage” — the official term the transport industry uses — is not cheap. It costs US$2.9 billion every year!
Since we are all about stress reduction at airports, we are exploring ways to prevent “lost luggage anxiety” — the fear of losing your luggage!
We all know what a terrible feeling it is. Losing luggage can be intense, draining, and distressing.
We spoke with CD Lazear, Senior Vice President at Blue Ribbon Bags, to discover his expert tips on preventing lost luggage.
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Try these 5 ways to prevent lost luggage.
1. Buy eye-catching luggage
“Don’t buy a black suitcase,” says CD. Go for “eye-catching luggage. It is a good answer to prevent lost luggage.”
2. Remove old tags
“Remove old tags from previous trips. The tags from your previous trips might very well confuse the luggage sorting system. This will increase the risk of your bag ending up at the wrong airport. Remove tags and bar code stickers on your bags.”
3. Label your bags
It seems like a no brainer, but many people miss this crucial step to prevent lost luggage. “Label the bags you check inside and outside with your contact information. Add the name and address of a person to contact at your destination if possible. Most bags that are misplaced by airlines do turn up, and proper labeling can help the bag and its owner be reunited within a few hours.”
4. Get durable tags
The paper tags you get at the airport aren’t sufficient. “Invest in a durable tag for your bags. Flimsy paper identification tags can fall off or break during handling. A good quality, perhaps leather or permanent tag, has the best chance of staying on your bag. I’ve seen [many of those paper tags] on the ground beside the airplane.”
5. Check your information
The airline will put baggage destination tags on luggage at check-in and give you the stubs to use as claim checks. Each tag has a three-letter code and flight number that show baggage sorters on which plane and to which airport your luggage is supposed to go. CD says: “Double-check the tag and flight number before your bags go down the conveyor belt.”
Don’t forget these helpful tips to prevent lost luggage next time you travel.
In fact, you can take it one step further to prevent lost luggage. Check out our partner, Blue Ribbon Bags Baggage protection service, here.
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Updated Saturday, October 28, 2023