Cristina Alcivar

Founder and Editor of Vane Airport Magazine. Passionate about everything well-being, love travel, the ocean, and the sun.

We’re Taking Our Wellness Mission To City Streets

We’re taking our wellness mission to the city streets of your next destination. So once you’ve gotten through the airport and arrived at your destination, you’ll know where you can go to keep yourself well and happy.

10 Ways To Get Healthy At San Francisco Airport UPDATED 2018

There are tons of ways to get healthy at San Francisco Airport, find peaceful places to regroup and even spaces to go to recompose yourself mentally and physically. After all, we know more…


Sweatlag: Can You Actually Sweat Out Fatigue?

We’ve all struggled with jet lag. Could the answer be a workout? Sweatlag is designed to sweat out fatigue, but can it be done? Read what the experts think.