Whoever let the dogs out – thank you very much. We are excited to see seven new airport Therapy Dogs Programs that Launched In the US in 2018.
New airport therapy dog programs that launched in the US 2018

1. Bradley International Airport
After a successful pilot period, the Connecticut Airport Authority began a permanent therapy dog program at Bradley International Airport named the “Bradley Buddies.” The program is a collaborative effort between Bradley International Airport and Bright Spot Therapy Dogs, Inc.
Bright Spot trains and certifies therapy dog teams. The dogs visit and greet travelers at various times during the week, usually during the airport’s busiest travel periods.
2.Louis Armstrong International Airport
In June 2018 the airport launched a new pet therapy program, in partnership with Visiting Pet Program Animal Assisted Therapy Program. Nearly ten volunteers and canines will be on duty for two hour shifts weekdays.

3.Clinton National Airport
Shane Carter, Director, Public Affairs and Governmental Relations of Clinton National Airport told us their airports program, BowWow Buddies, began in June 2018. “We started with seven teams and have expanded to 25.” The dogs roam various times during the day, including early mornings, midday, late afternoon and evenings.

4.Miami International Airport
All the airport therapy dogs have at least six months of experience and have been certified by the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Dog location and information can be found on the Miami airport’s social media pages with the hashtag #MIAmiHoundMachine.

5.Long Beach Airport
At Long Beach Airport they know that at times traveling can be stressful. Their new Dog Therapy Program provides relief to passengers who are looking for some comfort. If you see their airport therapy dog, Bella, be sure to say hello.

6.Ontario International Airport
The airport started with a pilot program but officially launched in November 2018. The pups have officially walked the blue carpet and are now sworn in as the ONT PawSquad! Their program has 13 therapy dogs that will bring comfort to traveling guests. Welcome to Paw Squad!

7. Jacksonville International Airport
In July 2018 Jacksonville International Airport launched their JaxPaws Program to make travel less RUFF.
The airport made the program official after a 3-month pilot program that received rave revues, and they have continued with no interruptions ever since!!
They began with 11 teams and have recently increased to 14 teams.
For tips on where and when to find airport therapy dogs on your next travel day, check out our airport therapy dog social media pages. Connect with us via our Facebook page, Twitter feed, and Instagram. Make sure to tag us to share the pawsitive vibes and help travel fell less RUFF #airporttherapydogs.
UPDATED January 30, 2019